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Dr. Anil Thakwani’s phone number+91 9818560909

In today’s world, phone numbers are a crucial part of our daily lives. They help us stay connected with our loved ones and colleagues, and are essential for conducting business. One phone number that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years is +91 9818560909. This phone number belongs to Dr. Anil Thakwani, a well-known personality in the healthcare industry. In this blog, we will discuss who Dr. Anil Thakwani is and why his phone number is important.


Who is Dr. Anil Thakwani?


Dr. Anil Thakwani is a medical doctor and entrepreneur. He is the founder of multiple healthcare organizations such as Aanya Skin Clinic, Aesthetics Medispa, and Skinfinity Clinic. He has over two decades of experience in the field of dermatology and has treated numerous patients with various skin and hair-related problems.

Dr. Thakwani is known for his expertise in the field of cosmetology and has introduced several innovative treatments for skin and hair. He has also been recognized for his contributions to the healthcare industry and has won several awards and accolades.


Why is his phone number important?


Dr. Anil Thakwani’s phone number, +91 9818560909, is important for several reasons. Firstly, it allows patients to get in touch with him directly. This is particularly useful for patients who require urgent medical attention or have queries related to their treatment.

Secondly, Dr. Thakwani’s phone number is important for people who are interested in availing of his services. By calling this number, they can schedule appointments and get more information about the treatments offered at his clinics.

Finally, Dr. Thakwani’s phone number is important for people who are interested in collaborating with him or seeking his advice. As an entrepreneur and a seasoned healthcare professional, Dr. Thakwani has a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be beneficial to others in the industry.


In conclusion, Dr. Anil Thakwani’s phone number, +91 9818560909, is an important contact for anyone interested in the field of dermatology and cosmetology. It allows patients to get in touch with him directly, schedule appointments, and seek his advice. As a renowned healthcare professional and entrepreneur, Dr. Thakwani’s phone number is a valuable asset to the healthcare industry.