IVF Cost in India

Fix Treatment Pakages in India


The cost of IVF treatment in India can range from as low as $2,500 to over $5,000, depending on additional tests, treatments, or procedures required for optimal results.

For ICSI treatment in India, the cost can be $2,000 or more, while the Frozen Embryo Transfer procedure typically costs between $1,500 and $2,000, in addition to the basic IVF price in India.

IVF Treatment Costs in India:

Procedure Price in USD Price in INR

  • IVF $2,500 – $5,000 ₹186,000 – ₹371,000
  • ICSI treatment $2,000 ₹149,000
  • Frozen Embryo Transfer $1,500 – $2,000 ₹111,000 – ₹149,000


The cost of IVF treatment in India is highly reasonable and affordable. The total cost depends on various factors such as the number of IVF cycles required, additional tests, duration of stay, use of specific technology, and any additional procedures needed.

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IVF Treatment in India

IVF treatment in India is a blessing for couples facing infertility issues and struggling to conceive naturally. This treatment is suitable for cases of male infertility, female infertility, or both. IVF is an assisted reproductive technology that is also used for gestational surrogacy.

The process involves combining eggs and sperm in a controlled environment outside the recipient’s body. Once the fertilized embryo reaches a certain stage, it is transferred to the mother’s womb to facilitate further growth and development.

India has become a popular destination for IVF treatment in recent years, attracting couples from all over the world. The affordability of IVF treatment in India is a significant factor contributing to its popularity. The success rates of IVF procedures in India are also quite high, making it a preferred choice for infertile couples seeking to conceive.

There are more than 100 IVF hospitals and clinics in India, equipped with advanced technologies that ensure high success rates. Indian IVF specialists are globally renowned for their expertise, and many couples who previously experienced failures abroad have found success in conceiving a child through IVF in India.

Moreover, the cost of IVF treatment in India is only a fraction of what it costs in Western countries.

IVF: An Overview

What is IVF used for?

IVF is used to address infertility issues arising from the following situations:

1. Damage or blockage of the woman’s Fallopian tubes
2. Ovulation disorders and premature ovarian failure in women
3. Uterine fibroids in women
4. Low sperm count or decreased sperm mobility in the male partner
5. Genetic disorders affecting fertility in either partner
6. Unexplained infertility with no identifiable cause

How can we assist you in getting IVF treatment in India?

We are a trusted platform that provides free medical advisory services and discounts. We negotiate with Indian hospitals to obtain the best possible prices for our patients, often reducing costs by up to 20% compared to standard hospital rates. We guide you toward the best treatment options and connect you with top hospitals and surgeons at the best prices.

To avail of FREE medical assistance, please contact us.

Step-by-Step Procedure of IVF Treatment

The following steps are typically involved in IVF treatment for infertility:

Step 1: Ovarian Stimulation

The woman undergoes fertility medication for one to two weeks to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs. This is done because not all retrieved eggs will fertilize successfully


Step 2: Follicle Development

The woman’s hormone levels are regularly monitored, usually through transvaginal ultrasound, to track the development of follicles (structures containing the eggs) in the ovaries.

Step 3: Oocyte Activation

A trigger shot is administered to the woman, causing the eggs to mature fully and become capable of fertilization. After approximately 36 hours, the eggs are ready to be retrieved through a surgical procedure.

Step 4: Egg Retrieval

The woman is anesthetized, and a thin needle is used to collect the eggs from the follicles. Typically, 10 to 15 eggs are retrieved and transferred to the embryology lab for fertilization.

Step 5: Fertilization

The retrieved eggs are incubated with the partner’s sperm overnight. Fertilization usually occurs during this period, resulting in healthy embryos.

Step 6: Embryo Development

After three days, the fertilized eggs develop into six to ten-cell embryos. By the fifth day, some embryos may develop into blastocysts.

Step 7: Embryo Selection

The most viable embryo is selected by the embryologist for transfer. Any extra embryos can be preserved by freezing them for future IVF cycles.

Step 8: Embryo Implantation

After five days of retrieval, the fertilized eggs (embryos) are placed in the woman’s uterus using a catheter inserted through the cervix. The embryos are transferred along with a small amount of fluid.

Step 9: Successful Implantation

If the embryo implants successfully, it continues to grow and develop into a baby. A pregnancy test is conducted 15 days after the embryo transfer. In the case of successful implantation, the woman may be prescribed progesterone supplements for a few weeks.

Transferring more than one embryo increases the chances of pregnancy, but it also raises the risk of multiple pregnancies. Approximately 20% of babies born through IVF are twins or triplets.

Success Rates of IVF in India

The success rates of IVF treatment in India vary depending on the woman’s age and the cause of infertility in either partner. The live birth rate per IVF cycle is approximately:

– 40 to 43% for women under 35 years
– 31 to 35% for women aged 35 to 37 years
– 21 to 25% for women aged 38 to 40 years
– 11 to 15% for women aged 41 to 42 years
– 5% for women over 42 years of age